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>Blog >Rethinking Stakeholder Collaboration: Beyond the Buzzwords

Rethinking Stakeholder Collaboration: Beyond the Buzzwords

Ever notice how we talk about “stakeholder collaboration” in product management? It’s like a magic phrase we sprinkle around, hoping it’ll solve all our problems. But what if we’re thinking about it all wrong?

🎭 Who’s Really a Stakeholder?

Let’s get real for a second. Not everyone with an opinion is a stakeholder. True stakeholders? They’re the ones who can actually stop your product from shipping. Yeah, that’s right. It’s about veto power, not just interest.

Think about it:

  • Who can actually say “no” to your product?
  • Whose approval do you absolutely need?

These are your real stakeholders. Focus on them.

πŸš€ Early and Often: The Mantra You Need

Here’s a wild idea: what if we stopped treating stakeholders like the enemy? Instead of hiding information, what if we… gasp… actually involved them early?

Try this:

  1. Grab a stakeholder
  2. Spend 15 minutes at a whiteboard
  3. Solve problems together

It’s not about fancy presentations. It’s about conversations. Capture those.

1️⃣-on-1️⃣ The Magic of One-on-Ones

Group meetings? They’re where good ideas go to die. The HIPPO (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion) takes over, and suddenly, you’re building a feature no one actually needs.


  • Schedule one-on-ones
  • Listen more than you talk
  • Build relationships, not just feature lists

πŸ’Ό Sales: Friend or Foe?

Hot take: Your sales team isn’t the enemy. I know, shocking, right?

Next time a sales rep comes to you with a feature request:

  • Don’t roll your eyes
  • Ask “Why?”
  • Dig into the customer problem they’re trying to solve

You might just stumble onto your next big product win.

πŸ—ΊοΈ The Dreaded Stakeholder-Driven Roadmap

We’ve all been there. The roadmap comes down from on high, full of features no one’s validated. But here’s the thing: ideas can come from anywhere. Even gasp stakeholders.

Your job isn’t to implement every request. It’s to test ideas against:

  • Customer needs
  • Business viability
  • Technical feasibility

Remember: You’re not a feature factory. You’re a problem-solving machine.

🎭 The “Yes, and…” Approach

Stakeholder comes to you with a terrible idea? Don’t shut them down. Channel your inner improv artist:

“Yes, and I’d love to understand more about the problem you’re trying to solve.”

It’s not about saying yes to everything. It’s about opening up conversations.

πŸ”¬ Show, Don’t Tell

Want stakeholders to trust your process? Show them how the sausage is made:

  • Invite them to customer interviews
  • Share experiment results
  • Let them see the messy reality of product discovery

πŸ“’ Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Keep your stakeholders in the loop. Not with long status reports, but with quick, focused updates on:

  • Problems you’re solving
  • Progress you’re making
  • Roadblocks you’re hitting

πŸ€” The Big Question

So, here’s what I’m wondering:

  • Are we really collaborating with stakeholders?
  • Or are we just playing politics and calling it collaboration?

What if we stopped trying to “manage” stakeholders and started partnering with them instead?

Think about it. Try it. Let me know how it goes.

Remember, we’re not here to build features. We’re here to solve problems. For customers. For the business. Everything else is just noise.

What’s your take? How are you rethinking stakeholder collaboration in your work? Drop your thoughts in the comments. Let’s learn from each other.

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